مشـاركة المرأة المـدنية في الشأن العام في عهد النبوة (خطيبة النساء أسماء بنت يزيد بن السكن الأنصارية رضي الله عنها نموذجًا)
Civilian Participation of Women in Public Affairs during the time of Prophethood: The Women's Orator 'Asma Bint Yazid Bin Al-Sakan Al-Ansariya' (may Allah be pleased with her), as a model
الشنقيطي, محمد بن أحمد الأمسمي
تناول هذا البحث مكانة المرأة في الجاهلية وصدر الإسلام، متخذًا من خطيبة النساء أسماء بنت يزيد بن السكن رضي الله عنها نموذجًا يحتذى به لواقع المرأة المسلمة؛ يُتعرف من خلاله على مكانة المرأة المدنية قبل مبعث النبي ﷺ، وما تجدّد لها من مكانة مرموقة بعد الدخول في الإسلام، وتأسيس دولته العادلة، وما أقر لها من اعتبار عظيم في القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية؛ ومن جملة ما خلص إليه الباحث أن خطيبة النساء قامت بتمثيل النساء في ميادين عديدة، شملت العقيدة، والتعليم، والعلاقات في إطار الأسرة والمجتمع المدني، وعلاقة المرأة بالدولة والسلطان، واستبصار واجباتها، وحقوقها... This current study aims to shed light on the efforts of the Women's Orator 'Asma Bint Yazid Bin Al-Sakan Al-Ansariya', in public affairs, during the period of the prophethood, in terms of her stable presence, serving as a learner, a teacher, and a caller to Allah Almighty; beside her interest in women's affairs: their rights, and duties. That is in addition to her call for what serves her gender, with regard to the religion and to the worldly life.
To achieve this goal, the researcher used the inductive analytical method, collecting texts that deal with one common topic, and studying them in a way that investigates their religious, social and political dimensions related to public affairs, in order to extract typical examples of a female orator.
The research consisted of three sections: the first section is an introduction in which the status of women in pre-Islamic and early Islamic period was discussed thoroughly. In the second section, the researcher dealt with the life of the Women's Orator in some precise detail. The third section was dedicated to explain the efforts of the Women's Orator in public life participation.
The researcher concluded that the Women's Orator represented women in many fields, including faith, education, public relations for civil society within the framework of the family, the relationship of women with the state and the ruler, and their duties and rights. The researcher came to the conclusion that Women's Orator must be considered as a living example of what a Muslim woman should be.
تاريخ نشر العدد: ذو الحجة - 1442هـ، موضع البحث: ص 105- 234